Authenticity, In Any Setting

We conduct focus groups, mini groups and IDI’s in facilities, with clients viewing live or streaming.

We use a variety of stimuli, projective techniques and storytelling. Our approaches maintain participant attention on “the here and now" and discourage posturing or groupthink.

Using the Latest Tools

We also conduct ethnographies, shopalongs and other on-site qualitative.

We conduct digital/online groups & interviews, executive interviews, expert interviews (In-person, by phone or via digital.)

We often use “digital qualitative” tools including mobile apps to reveal participants’ lives before and/or after moderated sessions.

Flexible Partnering on Projects

We can work as a moderator only and partner with other research suppliers.

Or we can function as a "One-Stop Shop" supervising all aspects of a research project including project management and field/recruitment.

We write project objectives, discussion guides, recruitment screeners, handle incentives and facility rentals, and manage all deliverables including streaming, digital recordings and transcriptions.

References & Examples Available Upon Request